Variety of Sides make the Difference in todays restaurant offerings, so glad there’s more choices these days than plain pasta salad

Variety of Sides make the Difference in todays restaurant offerings, so glad there’s more choices these days than plain pasta salad

With restaurant survival, good chefs focus on how they can improve food that has to travel, and right now, its restaurants with the wide variety of sides that are having success. This makes sense, people can’t travel, so they are exploring with flavors.

Variety of sides with plenty of healthy options are key to differentiating your business from another’s by expanding with flavors and new food items. With restaurants now also competing more with food from grocery stores finished foods, restaurants are continuing to find ways to appeal to people feeling more comfortable eating at home but give them a bit more “flavor”.

Whether its something as simple as ordering ribs with macaroni salad, additional choices with healthier alternatives can separate your restaurant with your signature herbs and seasonings. We want our pasta salad, but more people are looking to get it with a twist either incorporating veggie noodles or cheeses and herbs .

Although its hard to get the labor of pre-covid days to aid in producing this wider range of sides, chefs adding healthier alternatives and more uniquely flavored dishes are growing sales and get more returning business.

Whether offering roasted vegetables, or pickled vegetables, or loading up on an order of french fries, the effort in the expansion of the sides is where great gains can be made in the current post covid restaurant scene. Gives your customers something new to try, and encourages new clients to give your business a try.

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